With just one good snow under our belt thus far in 2020, New Yorkers are jumping at the chance to sled down one of city's many hills.
Luckily, Central Park has our backs (as they do each year) with Winter Jam. Our inner child rejoices at the idea of the winter sport event located at one of the best NYC parks: Central Park.
If you want to learn more about the action-packed, snow-covered affair (yes, they actually bring in snow machines), we have all the details you need below. The NYC Parks and Recreation event includes ice-skating, sledding, snowboarding, grub and more, so get ready to join New Yorkers of all ages for one of the best things to do in winter.
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What is Winter Jam?
Winter Jam is a free winter festival chock-full of events for New Yorkers of all ages. Whether rain or shine, upstate ski destination Gore Mountain blows fresh snow into the heart of Central Park, where festivalgoers can go snowshoeing, sledding, and even figure out the sport of curling. There will also be skiing lessons provided by Lake Placid. Other highlights include live ice carving and an ice sculpture garden. For Instagrammers, there will also be bobsled and snowcat photo ops. We have chills (the good kind) just thinking about it.
When is Winter Jam?
The date for Winter Jam is Saturday, February 1, 2019. The event is from 11am to 3pm.
Where is Winter Jam?
Winter Jam is located at the Rumsey Playfield. Enter at 72nd Street.
Will there be food?
Yes! Get in line for food by Mattitaco, Wafles + Dinges, NYC Mac Truck, Crepes Crave, and Taylor Made Creations. In previous years, there has ben a heated warming hut offering snacks and beverages like hot chocolate.
How do I attend?
Just show up! Bring an ID if you want to participate in any sports and note that you must sign a waiver. All lessons and equipment rentals are free. Just get there early so you don't have to wait to play. Note: There is no rain date.