Get ready to rock out with your scarf out: Winter Jam is back this Saturday from 11am-3pm.
NYC's ultimate snow day brings the fluffy stuff to you, via an artificial snow maker, for a winter sports party that's completely free for all. Plus you'll likely get a few inches of real snow, too! Head to the Manhattan Bandshell area off the 72nd Street entrance to strap on some skis, snowboards or snowshoes and explore the park. There'll be free skiing and snowboarding lessons, sledding, snowman building and even a winter market. It's a great family event, too: kids can do some outdoor bowling or just flop down and make snow angels to their hearts' content.
After you're all tuckered out, check out the Taste NY Winter Market, with bites from brands like Remsburger Maple and Meredith Bread, or cozy up in the Warming Hut with free samples from Lola Granola, Breezy Hill Orchard and Vertical water.
See, winter isn't all bad!