
Time Out wants to hear your memories of Tony Elliott

Send us your best stories about our founder, Tony Elliott, who passed away last week

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Time Out editors
Tony Elliott, photographed in 2018 by Andy Parsons
Photograph: Andy Parsons

Since the sad death last week of Time Out founder Tony Elliott, tributes have been pouring in – from Time Out staff past and present all over the world, as well as prominent figures from the arts and urban culture. Now we’re looking for your stories and memories of Tony, to share with his family and the world.

We want to hear from anyone who crossed paths with Tony: friends, colleagues, contacts and anyone else whose life was touched by him in the 52 years since he founded Time Out.

To take part, please email us with ‘Tony Elliott’ in the subject line, telling us about your most striking memory of Tony. We’re especially interested in stories and anecdotes which are specific to a particular time, place and cultural moment. Please make sure to include some information on who you are, and how and when you met Tony.

We’ll be compiling your memories as a condolence book for Tony’s family and friends. We’ll also publish edited highlights online as an oral history, and in a memorial issue of Time Out London magazine. (In that light, please let us know if you’d rather your tribute, or any element of it, was not made public.)

To kick things off, here’s Time Out Group CEO Julio Bruno sharing his own memories of Tony.

In loving memory of Tony Elliott
Last Friday, Time Out’s beloved founder, Tony Elliott, passed away. Tony had been bravely fighting lung cancer for a long time. However, he would not allow that to stop him. It was remarkable to see: he kept looking at the world with those inquisitive eyes, with that innate curiosity that very few possess. And, until the end, he was so very proud of his baby: Time Out.

Time Out for him was a creation of love and generosity. He loved London intimately – its culture, its counterculture – and wanted to share his passion with other people like him. He once told me that he started the magazine in 1968 because he could not find information on all the unique things happening in London, particularly alternative events and independent venues, so he decided to create the magazine for himself. But Tony wasn’t going to stop at one city. After London he conquered the world, taking Time Out to hundreds of cities worldwide.

Tony loved Time Out: it was his life project, and his passion for the brand appeared in every conversation we ever had, whether in a board meeting or having lunch in one of his favourite places. I remember, when we took the company public in 2016, how proud he felt that his creation was now listed on the stock exchange. He told me: ‘Julio, this is the beginning of the next chapter, and you have to go with the times and innovate. Time Out will go on.’

On a personal level, I met Tony five years ago and spent many hours talking to him about his favourite subject: Time Out. Tony was very proud of his company and wanted to make sure all aspects of it were perfect – from the use of the signature Franklin Gothic typeface (come what may) to the features we posted online or the magazine covers worldwide. I will miss his advice, his smile, his passion and his profound understanding of the media world. And I will miss his friendship above all.

We owe him very much and we will fight to keep his legacy alive. Time Out will go on, whether it is in print, in digital or in physical form via our Time Out Markets. There will be new editors, new designers, new marketeers, different management, but the mission of Time Out will endure: helping people go out better.

I send my heartfelt condolences to his widow Janey, his sons, Rufus, Bruce and Lawrence, and his family and friends. We are thinking of you.

Rest In Peace, Tony.

Julio Bruno
CEO, Time Out

Send your memories of Tony Elliott to, with ‘Tony Elliott’ in the subject line.

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