London’s Prince Charles Cinema is known for many things: its movie marathons and all-nighters; its lightly-worn sense of being a church to a passionate congregation of movie devotees; and people lobbing plastic spoons at screenings of The Room. In common with cinemas across the UK, it’s currently shut for lockdown but that hasn’t stopped it adding another string to its bow: virtual gallery.
Say hello to Recreate the Frame, the first (and possibly last) word in film homages, concocted by PCC-ers using whatever is to hand. Which, bearing in mind we’re all stuck at home, is not an awful lot. Marvel, then, at this selection of lovingly recreated film iconography – and at least one bald man pretending to be a volleyball.

If you need a smile, head here to peruse all the entries and vote for your personal favourite. Never has your democratic vote been more critical.
No plans for Valentine’s Day? Curl up with one of the 100 Best Romantic Movies ever made.
Hate Valentine’s Day with a fiery passion? Curl up with one of the 100 Greatest Horror Movies ever made.