
This street in Ireland is projecting open-air movies to watch together

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott

There have been some positives to come out of the current world crisis. For example, you might never have spoken to your neighbours before, but now communities around the world are coming together to support each other, by helping out with groceries or delivering much-needed medication. Some streets now have newly-formed Whatsapp groups. A square in London have joined together to do regular aerobics classes from their doorsteps. 

Irish street projecting films

Photograph: Clare Keogh

This week, a terrace in Cork, Ireland got in on the action. They’ve been projecting classic movies onto the sides of one of the houses in their street, and all watching the films together – from their separate front gardens, of course. 

The residents of Windmill Road have been able to listen along to the projection using an FM radio signal. Clever, eh. They also raised money for charity, with any donations going to Irish charity Age Action

Irish street projecting films during lockdown

Photograph: Clare Keogh

The concept was set up by a freelance production manager Scott Duggan (photographed above and below) who lives on the street. His neighbour Clare Keogh, who documented the screenings and shared the experience on Twitter, said watching the movies together ‘made us all feel a little less alone’. That’s #streetgoals right there. 

Irish street projecting films during lockdown

Photograph: Clare Keogh

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