
This restaurant in a Swedish forest has nailed socially-distant dining

The new Nowhere restaurant has six tables, each one standing alone in a stunning natural location

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott

Restaurants and cafés are doing their best to adapt to the new world order – but if plastic screens, one-way systems and wacky social-distancing measures don’t appeal, there’s another way you can get your fix of dining out in a post-lockdown world.

Rather than try and make an existing space safe, Swedish non-alcoholic winemakers Oddbird are launching a brand new concept: dinner in the wild, with only nature for company.

Oddbird Nowhere
Photograph: Oddbird

Named Nowhere and opening in August, Oddbird’s new pop-up dining destination is in Sweden’s Häringe-Hammersta nature reserve, around a 45-minute drive from Stockholm. It will consist of six tables in different (and almost totally isolated) natural settings – from the edge of the water to the middle of a forest.

Food will be delivered to your table by pop-up chefs Garba, while the tables and settings have been designed by Danish interior design duo The Norrmans.

If packed restaurants are a thing of the past and social distancing in cities feels stressful right now, this might be the ideal solution. Save us a spot?

You can also book dinner in a private greenhouse in Amsterdam or an igloo in Sydney.

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