
This is how much you should tip in these European countries

A new study compares how much locals tip in Europe compared to the US and UK

Ed Cunningham
Written by
Ed Cunningham
News Editor, UK
FOTO: Shutterstock

Tipping when you’re on your travels can be a bit of a minefield. Sure, you can look up general gratuity rates, but often the amount hugely varies, especially when it comes to things like restaurants, hotels, bars and taxis. Get it wrong and you risk incurring the wrath of not just staff but also, god forbid, social media.  

Adding gratuity is pretty complicated, but one way to get through is by judging how much locals tip. To save you from peering over people’s shoulders as they pay the bill, polling company YouGov asked locals in six EU countries and the UK how much they tip, and put the results in a series of handy charts. 

When in the UK, Germany, Denmark and Sweden, locals are most likely to leave a ten percent tip. French, Italians and Spaniards, however, are likely to only leave a five percent tip. All of which is quite low when compared to Americans, who were most likely to tip 20 percent.

Not only are Germans amongst the highest tippers in Europe, but they’re also the most likely to tip. In restaurants, hairdressers, pubs, bars, takeaways, taxis, coffee shops and hotels (in every situation, basically), Germans were the most likely out of all the nationalities in the study to leave a tip.

The more you know, eh? Now you’re much more equipped to navigate tipping in several countries! You can read the entire YouGov report for yourself here.

Did you see that these European cities are the most overcrowded with tourists right now?

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