Luxury yachts and private planes? Yawn. We’ve heard all that before. What you don’t hear much about these days is luxury submarines… until now. Dutch sub manufacturer U-Boat Worx has just unveiled its latest series of luxury underwater exploration vehicles – and they look very fancy indeed.
Called the Nexus Series, the subs can take up to nine passengers down to a depth of 200 metres. With their enormous window, revolving seats and a whopping 900 litres of interior space – which is, we can tell you, pretty damn spacious for an underwater vessel – this really is the crème de la crème of subaquatic travel.
So what can you expect to find at 200 metres below sea level? Well, get any ideas of zombie worms, goblin sharks and ‘orrible anglerfish out of your heads right now. Those lot are in the ‘deep sea’, which is 3,000 metres down. At 200 metres you’ll pretty much find your usual fish, coral and other sea-dwellers – though you will, admittedly, reach some levels of ‘half-light’. Spooky, eh?
U-Boat Worx’s Nexus Series can travel at a pretty swift three knots (which is, incidentally, probably not fast enough to outpace a shark) and has a reassuring 18 hours of battery life. They look exceptionally safe, too, what with U-Boat Worx’s people tracking the sub from the surface and the company also offering thorough training to handle it.

As well as making subs for leisure and recreation, U-Boat Worx manufactures research vessels and pods primed for deep sea exploration. They specialise in a certain kind of high-spec, adaptable kind of submarine.
If you fancy enquiring about buying one of U-Boat Worx’s Nexus models, you can do so here. Our top tip? Beware – who knows what you’ll find lurking in the deep.
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