
There’s a hiking route in Germany with self-serve schnapps fountains

Who needs water when you can have a shot of schnapps?

Beril Naz Hassan
Written by
Beril Naz Hassan
Writer, Time Out Travel
Rolling hills in the Black Forest region of Germany
Photograph: Shutterstock

Most of us simpletons have to settle for a glass of water after a workout. But, the lucky people of Germany’s Black Forest get to reward themselves with locally-made schnapps. 

Nestled along its nine-mile loop through the Black Forest, the hiking route Oberkircher Brennersteig offers little schnapps fountains to thirsty hikers. They are tubs filled to the brim with bottles of schnapps in icy cold water to keep them cool. An adorable little ‘honesty box’ on the side asks for the visitors to pop some money in before they enjoy a delicious shot or two. There are even trays for clean and dirty shot glasses to keep it hygienic and organised. 

The circular trail takes strollers through orchards, vineyards, farms, and distilleries (locally known as brennereis). And, given the fact that the Black Forest is a fruit haven, the little schnapps fountains feel very appropriate.

Schnapps, an alcoholic drink made from distilled fruit brandies, herbal liqueurs, infusions and more, is known as Germany’s drink of choice. It is packed with fruits like pears, cherries, apples and plums.

The best times to visit the trail are said to be from March until October to avoid the harsh weather conditions of the winter season. And if you want to complete the full trail, you should expect it to last an average of four hours. 

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