Trains in Wes Anderson movies – like pretty much everything in Wes Anderson movies – tread a fine line between the eyebrow-raisingly surreal and the utterly, utterly beautiful. In films like The Darjeeling Express and The Grand Budapest Hotel (as well as upcoming release The Paris Dispatch), his carriages are full of bright pastel colours and dazzling patterns. Two words: Train. Porn.
Anyone who’s seen Anderson’s cinematic trains has no doubt dreamt of taking a ride in them. And soon enough, you won’t have to dream any longer. In a new collab with travel firm Belmond, Anderson has reimagined the carriages of the British Pullman train.

Anderson’s IRL train décor is just as distinctive as it is in his movies. His Pullman carriage is adorned with pastel-pink ceilings, green carpets and chairs, symmetrical patterns and art-nouveau touches everywhere you look. It’s a very glam mix of modernity and tradition – and even more opulent are the two private suites, which come with exclusive cocktails (and some very posh nosh).

As you'd probably expect, tickets are a little on the steep side. The ‘Pullman Dining by Wes Anderson’ package starts from £400 per person, with private suites from £1,800. It’s unclear where exactly the train will travel to, but it’s likely to connect several cities across the UK. You can find out more and book a seat on the Belmond website.
Really into your rail travel? Now check out our pick of the 11 most incredible train journeys around the world.