
Ouch! This troubled monkey is among the winners of Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

From grumpy penguins to yawning baboons, these photos show the animal kingdom at its funniest

Sophie Dickinson
Written by
Sophie Dickinson
Freelance contributor

Sure, nature documentaries are great, but sometimes – for good reason – they can get a bit doomy. If you prefer your animal content a bit more lighthearted, take a look at the winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021. The natural world is shown in all its weird and wonderful glory, from pushy otter parenting to fishy gymnastics.

Among the highlights is overall winner Ken Jensen’s shot of a golden silk monkey, snapped looking rather uncomfortable as he grips a branch. The photographer said the primate was trying to appear aggressive, but honestly he just seems like he’s in pain. Not ideal. Here are some more of our faves:

Like this smiling insect.

A smiling blue insect
Photograph: Axel Bocker / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This assertive otter parent.

A parent otter holds a cub by the scruff of its neck
Photograph: Chee Kee Teo / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This playful duckling.

A playful duckling looks around a tree trunk
Photograph: Charlie Page/ Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This fighty prairie dog.

A prairie dog and bald eagle battle in snow
Photograph: Arthur Trevino / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This nonplussed pelican.

A shrugging pelican
Photograph: Dawn Wilson / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

These impressed mudskipper fish.

Jumping mudskipper fish
Photograph: Chu Han Lin / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This autumnal pigeon.

A pigeon with a leaf on its face
Photograph: John Speirs / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

This itchy bear cub.

A bear cub scratches itself on its parent's back
Photograph: Andy Parkinson / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

And this helpful penguin.

A penguin appears to give another directions with its wing
Photograph: Carol Taylor / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Not quite got your animal fix? Check out some of the best photos at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards.

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