
Look up: Venus will be at its brightest tonight

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott
Moon and venus in the night's sky
Photograph: Shutterstock

The current staying-in situation has had a dramatic impact on what we like to do in our spare time. In fact, it appears to have created great swathes of banana bread-baking, sourdough-proving, jigsaw-solving, Animal Crossing-playing stargazers.

If you’re one of the many who have taken to staring skywards of an evening, you’re in for a treat later today, because the night’s sky is set to offer up a little extra sparkle. 

Moon and venus in the night's sky
Photograph: Shutterstock

Tonight (April 28), Venus will be the brightest it’ll be all year. At the moment, the planet, which is hanging out super close to the moon right now, is the third brightest thing in the sky, after the sun and moon.  

It’s so bright thanks to its orbit, which is closer to the sun than Earth is. At the moment it’s pretty close to our planet too, and so vivid because it reflects a lot of light from the sun. 

After tonight, Venus will dim before becoming visible in the morning as it retreats away from Earth. But, this evening, as long as the skies are clear, you should have no problem spotting the brilliant planet twinkling away above you. 

Have you become a lockdown cliche? 

Here are 101 more fun things to do while you’re at home

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