
How you can help Pakistan recover after the floods

As Pakistan recovers from months of devastating flooding, here’s how to do your bit

Ed Cunningham
Written by
Ed Cunningham
News Editor, UK
Flooding in Pakistan
Photograph: Asianet-Pakistan / | |

Over the last few months, you’ll no doubt have seen the devastating extent of the flooding in Pakistan. Record monsoon rains and melting glaciers – both made worse by man-made climate change – have led to huge areas of land being flooded. At one point, an entire third of the country was underwater. Around 32 million people have been displaced from their homes.

And now, as the floods subside, the people of Pakistan need as much help as they can get. Livelihoods have been wiped out, clean water remains in short supply and disease threatens to hamper efforts at recovery. And it’s not hard to help make a difference. Here are a few ways you can help.

How can I help Pakistan?

First up, you could donate to a charity doing great work on the ground. Check out:

Disasters Emergency Committee, a collective of aid charities who are pooling resources to provide an effective humanitarian response. Donate here

UNICEF, a global charity focused on the welfare of children, providing water, nutrition, healthcare and education. Donate here.

Save the Children, an international charity providing children with food, water and safety. Donate here

UNHCR, a UN organisation focusing on helping provide emergency housing and relief supplies to displaced communities within Pakistan. Donate here

KORT, or the Kashmir Orphan Relief Trust, which is sending emergency food aid to areas affected by flooding. Donate here

Humanity & Inclusion, a humanitarian organisation which is sending emergency hygiene kits, cooking supplies, food and more. Donate here.

Red Cross, which is raising funds for food, medical supplies, shelter and water for flooding victims. Around the world there are several national and regional versions of the Red Cross, so be sure to donate to your relevant one. Find the British Red Cross here, Canadian here and Australian here.

And finally, there’s tourism. Over the next few years, why not think about a trip to one of the (stunningly beautiful) areas of Pakistan which have been affected by the flooding? You’ll be spending your cash in local communities and aiding the area’s longer-term recovery.

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