
Fancy moving to Italy? This village is offering €1-a-month rent

Ollolai in Sardinia is taking drastic measures to combat depopulation

Ed Cunningham
Written by
Ed Cunningham
News Editor, UK
Village of Ollolai in Sardinia
Photograph: alberto maisto / Alamy Stock Photo

The tiny village of Ollolai on Sardinia is a charming sort of place. Known for its gorgeous water features and historic churches, it’s also smack-bang in the middle of tonnes of unspoiled nature and just over an hour’s drive to several of the Italian island’s most brilliant beaches.

If you dream of moving to a place just like Ollolai, well, it just got a hell of a lot more affordable to do so. The local government has announced it’ll be charging a rental fee of just €1 per month to some people who come to work remotely in the village. That’s right: €1! 

The reason for such a move is that Ollolai’s population is aging – and aging fast. One of only five ‘Blue Zones’ on the planet (meaning it has a high number of people aged over 100), over the past 40 years, apparently the population has nearly halved from 2,013 to 1,174. 

This isn’t the first time Ollolai has promoted such a tempting offer, as the village was one of the first to pilot Italy’s €1 home scheme. The catch then was that those who snapped up the homes would need to have the funds to renovate the properties.

While having the cash to renovate isn’t necessary this time around, the €1-a-month rent rate will only be available to ten select people who are working as ‘digital nomads’. According to the official website, the scheme is aimed at ‘successful professionals who are eager to contribute to the community by sharing their knowledge through presentations, classes, or projects related to their respective fields, careers, or experiences’. It’s also initially only open to applicants from the USA. 

Reckon you’re the ideal future citizen of Ollilai? You can apply here. Or if you’re up for a more permanent dwelling, read more about how an Italian town is selling entire houses for €1.

Did you see that you could get paid over €80,000 to move to an Irish island?

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