If the earth-changing events of this year have left you thinking about making a big shift (and you also happen to be an expert in Roman ruins) then here’s a job you might be interested in applying for. It’s quite frankly one of the coolest jobs that we’ve ever seen advertised.
Italy’s culture ministry is looking for someone to run Pompeii: the enormous, preserved ruins near Naples of an ancient Roman city destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD – and one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations.

For the first time ever, the job is open to applicants of any nationality as well as Italians, and a global search for the right candidate is now underway.
‘Pompeii is loved by archaeologists from all over the world. We imagine that many applications will arrive,’ said Dario Franceschini, the country’s minister of cultural heritage, activities and tourism.

The new director can expect big things from their tenure (the job is a four-year contract, with the option to extend for another four). ‘There will be digging and more big discoveries will be made,’ said Franceschini, adding: ‘This a job which brings huge satisfaction as well as great responsibility.’
If you think you’re up to the job, the application deadline is November 3. Now’s the time to dig up that resumé.
Find out more and apply here.
Not the big life change you had in mind? How about this remote Scottish island that’s looking for new residents.?