
A record number of flamingos are turning the city of Mumbai pink

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott
Flamingos in Mumbai
Photograph: Shutterstock

For the time being, we’re staying inside and our lives feel a little like they’re on pause. Thank goodness, then, for all the animals loving life right now that we can live vicariously through. We’re talking chatty whales, partying bears, snoozing lions and sheep who are desperate for a Maccy Ds

This colourful bunch are the latest creatures to catch our attention. 

Flamingos in Mumbai
Photograph: Shutterstock

Flamingos aren't a brand new sight in MumbaiIndia – they migrate there annually – but right now there are record numbers of the pink birds around the city.

The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) estimates that 150,000 flamingos made the migratory journey to Mumbai this year, an increase of 25 per cent since last year.

It’s thought that the increase is down to lower human activity and construction work in the area. Though their numbers have been increasing in recent years due to an increase in blue-green algae – an unexpected silver lining of the city’s growing pollution levels.

One thing’s for sure, thanks to the current lockdown in the country, they’ve found more peace and quiet to roost. And they’re certainly giving local residents something nice to look out while they’re stuck indoors. 

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