As any Tolkien aficionado will tell you, today is a significant day: February 26 was the day when the Fellowship of the Ring was broken at Amon Hen – if you’re not a Tolkien nerd, it’s the bit in The Fellowship of the Ring where Sean Bean cops it – and Frodo and Sam set off on their long, painful and Uber-free journey to Mordor.
What better day to launch a brand new JRR Tolkien website, then, to lure in lovers of Middle-earth like hobbits into Shelob’s lair?
The site is a true trove of arcana, curios, videos, info and other Tolkien glories. There are manuscripts, letters, timelines and illustrations – like this 1937 painting of the Hobbiton.

With the first season of a mega-spenny new Amazon Lord of the Rings series arriving in September, it will be a big year for Tolkien – as it will for the entire fantasy genre – and this should be a brilliant companion for anyone who wants to dip deep into the world of Middle-earth. Head here to check it out.
Everything we know about Amazon’s massive ‘Lord of the Rings’ series.