Music is a great motivator. Whether you need a push to finally finish that novel or apply for that dream job or just get out of bed in the morning, the right song can get you there. In some cases, it can be any song that means something to you. But the best inspirational songs don’t just nudge you toward your goal - they make you feel like the person singing is pursuing the same mission right alongside you.
Sure, rock stars aren’t always folks who may have quite the same problems as the rest of us, but unless their dad is George Harrison many of them have struggled at some point in their lives - or at the very least needed some inspiration of their own. On this list of the 33 best inspirational songs of all-time, you’ll find everything from aspirational rap classics to rock’n’roll affirmations to pop stars who inspire simply by existing. No matter what you need to get done, these jams will help get you there.
💪 The best motivational songs
⚡️ The best songs about power
💸 The best songs about money
✊ The best protest songs
🏋 The best workout songs