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Quite frankly, it's hard to fathom why exactly anyone would have wanted to make this slick, glossy, but utterly redundant werewolf movie. Okay, maybe Nicholson sympathised with his Will Randall, a middle-aged New York book editor anxious about his job and his marriage, who finds his powers and senses not only restored but greatly sharpened when he's bitten by a wolf he ran into with his car. And maybe Spader, as Randall's smarmy, back-stabbing colleague Swinton, reckoned here was a juicy, villainous part to sink his teeth into. But for Pfeiffer - as Randall's love interest Laura - there's little of substance, while Nichols makes it clear that directing a horror movie was the last thing on his mind. Even make-up wiz Rick Baker is stymied by the air of restraint. Overall, this is needlessly polished nonsense: not awful; just toothless, gutless and bloodless.
Release Details
Duration:125 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Mike Nichols
Screenwriter:Jim Harrison, Wesley Strick, Elaine May
Jack Nicholson
Christopher Plummer
Eileen Atkins
Michelle Pfeiffer
Madhur Jaffrey
Om Puri
Richard Jenkins
James Spader
Prunella Scales
Kate Nelligan
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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