A beautifully animated Disney feature, adapted from TH White’s tale of the young (soon to be King) Arthur and his mad adventures with Merlin the Magician. Together with snooty sidekick Archimedes the owl, Merlin educates the boy in some of the basic facts of life. With his magic wand, he can change both himself and his pupil into anything he wishes, which results in one of the best episodes: a duel between Merlin and the evil witch Madam Mim, where they both try to gain the upper hand by transforming themselves into some of the nastiest creatures possible. It was produced by Walt himself, with tuneful music supplied by the Sherman brothers.
The Sword in the Stone
Time Out says
Release Details
- Duration:80 mins
Cast and crew
- Director:Wolfgang Reitherman
- Screenwriter:Bill Peet
- Cast:
- Ricky Sorenson
- Sebastian Cabot
- Karl Swenson
- Junius Matthews
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