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So who’s playing the Emilio Estevez role? Jude Law? Forget it – this nasty non-thriller shares nothing but a similar title with Alex Cox’s nutty 1984 head trip through LA, and more’s the pity. Here, we’re in that gone-to-pot near-future so beloved of filmmakers, where Law and Whitaker (pictured) are pals and colleagues working in a debt-recovery department with a difference: they recover human organs. The film pitches friend against friend as Law ends up with a new ticker and darts about town with fellow post-op target Alice Braga in tow. Ideas, excitement and logic are ditched in favour of blood and gore – and there’s no fun to be had watching operations and knife fights. Law and Whitaker are disastrous in the lead roles. It’s a dreary and violent film that betrays its three years spent on the shelf.
Release Details
Release date:Friday 16 April 2010
Duration:111 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Miguel Sapochnik
Jude Law
Forest Whitaker
Alice Braga
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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