This imaginative hand-drawn cartoon from the French directors of ‘A Cat in Paris’ suffers from an overly busy plot and a general sense of familiarity. When young cancer sufferer Leo is taken back to hospital for chemo, he discovers an amazing gift: he can leave his body and float around the city, unseen but alert. This comes in handy when he assists wounded cop Alex in tracking down a mysterious gangster, The Face, who is holding the people of New York to ransom. ‘Phantom Boy’ is frequently beautiful to look at, but the cops-and-robbers angle feels tired and the characters are thinly sketched.
Time Out says
Release Details
- Rated:PG
- Release date:Friday 21 October 2016
- Duration:84 mins
Cast and crew
- Director:Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol
- Screenwriter:Alain Gagnol
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