
Lovers of Hate

3 out of 5 stars
  • Film
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Question: What do you do when your far more successful kids'-lit author brother (Karpovsky) is getting it on with your soon-to-be-ex-wife (Kafka)? Answer: If you're like Rudy (Doubek), you hide out in your family member's Park City, Utah, rental and passive-aggressively terrorize the couple. Bryan Poyser's slight cringe comedy never gets past the promise of its setup, content to just mumble and shuffle its way through a sibling-rivalry showdown involving naked pics and unflushed toilets. Wisely, Poyser doesn't try to cast sympathy one way or the other---everyone has their asshole-ish reasons---though the result still feels slightly middling. It's a movie that doesn't inspire anything as passionate as love or hate.

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