
  • Film

Time Out says

Produced and soundtracked by Blink 182’s prog offshoot Angels And Airwaves, this DIY oddity skips ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’-style from the American Civil War to the International Space Station for a story of deep space isolation and extraterrestrial first contact. Lee Miller (Gunner Wright) is marooned aboard the station when his communications fail. Six years in solitary follow, during which time the astronaut dreams of home, and goes slowly mad. This tale has been told before – most recently by the similarly cheapjack but more impressive ‘The Last Push’ – and director William Eubank finds nothing new to say. Following an intriguing opening, the endless shots of Wright wafting around the detailed but clearly improvised set mumbling Malick-lite platitudes become crushingly tedious. The soundtrack isn’t much to get excited about – a lot of drony distortion and fuzz. The result may be ambitious, but unless you’re a fan of A&A or keen to build a Nasa capsule in your back yard, ‘Love’ is best avoided.

Release Details

  • Duration:84 mins
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