In a cave on a Tijuana mountaintop, demonic forces twiddle their thumbs, waiting for unsuspecting hikers to stumble upon their lair. After their two children return from such an excursion, Sol (Laura Caro) and Felix (Francisco Barreiro) are thrust into a living nightmare, in which paranoia runs high, sexuality is weaponized and blood spills by the bucketload. Paranormal Activity would kill to have the atmosphere of Here Comes the Devil.
Writer-director Adrián García Bogliano’s indie is possessed by the spirit of ’70s psychological horror, resulting in a smoldering mystery that flares whenever the opportunity presents itself. Before connecting the devilish dots behind their kids’ newfound zombieness, Sol and Felix suspect a local of foul play and deliver gruesome vigilante justice. The logic wouldn’t hold up under scrutiny, but García Bogliano’s unnerving mood, complemented by grungy camerawork and a shroud of sonic chaos, provides an emotional strain that makes anything possible.