Nearly a quarter century since the first film and 28 since the first book, Harry Potter’s grip on the popular imagination is as strong as ever – even before the new HBO adaptation swoops over the next year or two. JK Rowling’s boy wizard Harry and his pals Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger remain true icons, their nemesis Voldemort one of the all-time iconic villains.
And that means there’s one question that simply won‘t go away: what house would I be in?
Yes, it is admittedly a question that a lot of people have asked over the years. But only your old pals at Time Out offers a shamelessly London-centric Sorting Hat quiz to help you find the answer. Because, anybody who knows their wizarding stuff knows that the houses – that’s Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin – aren't just for organising broomstick-based sports teams. They go beyond quidditch: they’re a way of life. The Sorting Hat isn’t random: it sees deep into your soul to define – once and for all – which Hogwarts house is yours to stake a claim to.
Just answer these 11 city-based questions and, like magic, your existence in the capital will suddenly make sense.
If you’d like a deeper Potter hit, check out Time Out’s guide to Harry Potter things to do in London – so you can start planning those wizarding day trips for the full Harry Potter in London experience.