

Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys

3 out of 5 stars
  • Film
  • Recommended

Time Out says

The concept of the fag hag is certainly nothing new. Still, there is something seductive and surprisingly fresh about the situations we are privy to in the latest reality-TV gawkfest, focusing on four pairs of gay boys and their best straight girlfriends (who do not, it should be noted, care for the term fag hag). All based right here in NYC, the folks we meet range from half-closeted messes to witty, Botoxed bitches and various characters in between.

There's Joel, a whip-smart composer about to marry the man he loves, and Sarah, his perpetually single writer gal pal who can't afford to fly to the wedding (why won't he pay for her?). Next is Crystal, a fierce film producer and former basketball wife, and Nathan, her professional partner and friend who announces that he's ready to be a father, despite his penchant for over-partying and a fragile psyche that causes him to dissolve into sobs during each of the first four episodes (there's always one, right?). Then we have Rosebud, a bubbly free spirit who falls in and out of love easily and has a knack for psychoanalyzing the sad behavior of her sweet but self-loathing friend Sahil, who has yet to come out to his parents. Finally, we meet Elisa and David---a recently divorced mom and a funny, newly sober actor who together run a vintage clothing chain. These two, best buds for 30 years, are the most intriguing to hang out with, no doubt because they are older and wiser---and more amusing (thanks, David)---than the rest.

Despite the producers' seeming intent on making the mere fact of gay boy--straight girl friendships fascinating, it's the individual personalities, struggles and dynamics that draw you in and hook you. Add to that the constant backdrop of our fine city---Central Park, Splash Bar, 5 Ninth, Fashion Week, subway scenes and private Tribeca yoga sessions---and you could do much worse than spend an hour a week with these folks. It's not deep, but it's entertaining.

See more in Gay & Lesbian

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