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This two-hour essay-reportage goes behind Bosnian lines to show horrors and hear testimonies that will never reach the TV news; it makes incisive use of archive footage to back up its argument. In the future, the directors assert, no one will be able to plead ignorance as happened with the Holocaust. Bernard-Henri Lévy is a writer, philosopher and art critic, and his voice-over narration is prone to a rhetorical excess that can only be described as 'very French'. But the accuracy - and urgency - of his polemic is undeniable. The Bosnians are fighting fascism, their own localised version of the Spanish Civil War or WWII, against empire-building, book-burning neo-Hitlers named Milosevic and Karadzic. Pitched somewhere between Orwell and Robert Fisk, Bosna! is cultured, humane and carefully reasoned - but above all angry.
Release Details
Duration:117 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Bernard-Henri Lévy, Alain Ferrari
Screenwriter:Bernard-Henri Lévy, Gilles Hertzog
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