• Film

Bagdad Café


Time Out says

A radiant, oddball comedy-drama about the relationship that develops between a fat Bavarian tourist (Sägebrecht), an irritable black truckstop owner (Pounder), and a weirdo artist (Palance, smiling and delightful, in bandana and snakeskin boots), set in the dusty Arizona desert land of lonesome motels beloved of Sam Shepard. Sägebrecht, her husband ditched along the way, arrives sweatily out of the yellow haze, absurdly decked out in buttoned-up suit, green felt hat and feather, high heels and suitcase; gradually she transforms, and is transformed by, the lives of a motley band of misfits who inhabit a dilapidated diner exotically named 'The Bagdad Café'. A wish-fulfilling fable about culture-clash and the melting-pot, it's also firmly grounded in telling and cinematically original observations. Adlon's method is at once intimate, quirky and affirmative: precise evocation of place, expressive colours, and a slow build-up of characters, allow him to raise the film effortlessly into realms of fantasy, shafted with magic and moments of epiphany.

Release Details

  • Duration:91 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Percy Adlon
  • Screenwriter:Eleonore Adlon, Percy Adlon
  • Cast:
    • Marianne Sägebrecht
    • CCH Pounder
    • Jack Palance
    • Christine Kauffman
    • Monica Calhoun
    • Darron Flagg
    • George Aquilar
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