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This cop comedy-thriller follow-up is Bruckheimer and Bay's brash ode to excess. The violence, blood, car chases and destruction are unmediated. Even the running time is excessive. Way over the top, the film is morally off-kilter, designed for laddish lunkheads with a thirst for the lowest common denominator. Despite its gross indulgence, however, including one cruel, vaguely homophobic scene, this epic caper features at least one imaginatively choreographed car chase and, as you might expect from Bay, some spectacular effects sequences. Smith and Lawrence make a sassy enough duo, even if they are just retreads of the Lethal Weapon pairing. For the record, Smith's the bad-ass narcotics officer with an itchy finger; Lawrence his calm, level-headed partner. Together they crack open another drugs ring while leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.
Release Details
Duration:147 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Michael Bay
Screenwriter:Ron Shelton, Jerry Stahl
Martin Lawrence
Will Smith
Gabrielle Union
Jordi Mollà
Peter Stormare
Theresa Randle
Joe Pantoliano
Michael Shannon
Jon Seda
Otto Sanchez
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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