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In 1950, the movies recognised stardom as a pathological disorder. Exhibit A was ‘Sunset Blvd’, exhibit B ‘All About Eve’. Set in the Broadway jungle rather than among the ‘sun-burnt eager beavers’ of Hollywood, Joseph L Mankiewicz’s film dissects the narcissism and hypocrisy of the spotlight as sharply as Wilder’s, but pays equal attention to the challenges of enacting womanhood. ‘All About My Mother’ (not to mention ‘Showgirls’) would be unimaginable without it. Anne Baxter is Eve Harrington, the wide-eyed stage-door hanger-on who insinuates her way into the world of Bette Davis’ sacred monster, Margo Channing; butter-might-just-melt meets gin-hold-the-tonic. The fan who makes an audience of the stars, Eve is soon attracting her own admirers, as well as barbs worthy of Mankiewicz’s ’30s newsroom pedigree. Edith Head’s costumes stress the antagonism: Eve enters in a sexy-modest trenchcoat-and-trilby combo, and could anyone but Davis pull off a ball gown with pockets? Meanwhile, the real threat – Marilyn Monroe – sits at the party’s edge, shining, angling for another drink.
Release Details
Release date:Friday 30 November 2007
Duration:138 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Joseph L Mankiewicz
Screenwriter:Joseph L Mankiewicz
Bette Davis
Anne Baxter
George Sanders
Celeste Holm
Thelma Ritter
Marilyn Monroe
Gary Merrill
Hugh Marlowe
Gregory Ratoff
Barbara Bates
Walter Hampden
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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