A wintertime favorite with adventure and romance to spare, this musical adaptation of the 1997 animated classic retains the story’s historical origins, as the amnesiac title character escapes her oppressive life in imperialist Russia and hopes to reconstruct her past with the unlikely help of a con artist and ex-aristocrat. Celebrated playwright Terence McNally wrote the book for the musical. Slow Burn Theatre at Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW 5th Ave, Fort Lauderdale (954-462-0222). Dec 21–Jan 5: various show times; $72 and up.
Fall brought us an exciting lineup of original theater and festive favorites, but we're ready for the main event: As the temperatures lower, curtains will rise for theater companies across South Florida as we embark on the winter 024/2025 season. There’s a lot to sort through this winter, and our picks for the most exciting shows are a testament to the diversity of producers, audiences and talent in the cultural melting pots of Miami-Dade and Broward.
Expect to encounter timeless and contemporary classics, beloved musicals and newer works that examine today’s social issues with compassion, nuance and biting humor. Looking to dive into a full-throttle season of culture in Miami? Peruse our winter theater preview below, a roundup of the best shows across South Florida to book right now.
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