
In pictures: how games have shaped modern Manchester

Written by
Sarah Crandon

The theme of this year's Manchester Day parade, 'Game On', celebrated how various games have changed and formed our city. Here's a look at how games infiltrate our every day lives.

The game of all games, football, is synonymous with Manchester. The follow up to 'where do you live?' is almost always the three-word question 'City or United?' With the two grounds looming over the city, the beautiful game is in Manchester's blood. 

Etihad Stadium

Sarah Crandon

But no matter who you support, there's no denying that this game has been the most influential over our city. 

Old Trafford

If football's not your bag (don't worry we won't tell anyone) then maybe the sports of Manchester's Commonwealth Games are more your thing. From the Velodrome, to the Aquatics Centre, to the Regional Athletics centre, the games have left a lasting legacy on Manchester as we know it today. 

Regional athletics track

Sarah Crandon

But it's not all sports, you can barely go for a pint in the city without being offered a game of ping pong...

Ping pong at Twenty Twenty Two

Sarah Crandon


Dog Bowl Manchester

Sarah Crandon

...or good old fashioned board games

Board games

Sarah Crandon

And even a stroll around the Northern Quarter comes complete with its own reminders of the city's digital gaming heritage.

Space Invader Northern Quarter

Sarah Crandon

So make sure to keep an eye out for reminders of the Manchester's sporting and gaming history when you're exploring the city.

See more things to do in Manchester from Time Out.

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