Mist around gravestones at Fulham Cemetery
John Esslinger

Spooky London

Feeling brave? Get to know London’s darker side – featuring haunted pubs, ghost hunts and seriously scary museums

Don’t deny it now, London has a dark side. The capital is steeped in history, some of it good some of it bad and some of it mighty grisly. Our city is home to countless ghost stories and gruesome, ghastly tales. There are myths and urban legends as well as true and terrible facts.

Are you drawn to the morbid and macabre? Do you have a hankering to explore overgrown cemeteries and spectre-filled alleyways? Learn about London’s witches and ghosthunters, spectres and strange unexplained goings on? Sink a drink in London’s haunted pubs and places? Well, look no further. Here’s our guide to everything you need to know about London's spookiest spots and scariest things to do. 

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Haunted London