
For most Londoners, the scariest thing that can happen on the tube is getting stuck in a carriage of loud tourists trying to locate 'Ly-chester Square'. But that's just the tip of the terrifying iceberg, as it turns out the Underground is riddled with ghostly characters.
Did you know that over the last 50 years, multiple people claim to have spotted the ghostly figure of a tall man in a hat, coat and gloves at Covent Garden? He's believed to be the ghost of a murdered actor who used to visit the bakery that was knocked down to make way for the station. Apparently, he's even ventured into the staff room, causing a few spooked tube workers to request a transfer to another station. And here we were thinking that having to tackle the station's never-ending steps was the only thing to be afraid of.

Ian Mutoo
But London's underground ghosts aren't necessarily a bad thing. Over a hundred years ago at Aldgate station, an electrician fell onto the live rail tracks and knocked himself unconscious. Somehow he survived unscathed, but rather than putting it down to sheer good luck, his colleagues said that before he fell they saw a luminous figure of an old lady stroking his hair. And who are we to argue with that? In fact, so many weird things have happened at Aldgate station over the years, that they now have an official 'ghost log book'.

Allen Brewer
And things are equally creepy over on the Central line, where back in 2000, night shift workers spotted something suspicious on CCTV during renovations to Liverpool Street station. The staff claim to have seen a ghost wearing white overalls roaming the platform - and when they went to check things out, they apparently found nothing except a pair of white overalls on a bench. Yikes!
Find out more about London's most haunted tube stations.
In the mood to be spooked? Get tickets to one of these ace Halloween parties.
Or take a guess at what Londoners are most likely to dress as this Halloween.