The potential downsides to mucking about with the space-time continuum.

He was never afraid to look ridiculous
As seen in... ‘Mork and Mindy’ (1978-1982)
From the day he burst onto America’s screens as the adorable alien Mork in a particularly odd episode of ‘Happy Days’, Robin Williams was never afraid to look a bit stoopid. When Mork got his own TV show, Williams would get to spend a large chunk every show indulging in a variety of wild crimson jumpsuits and rainbow-striped dungarees. The fact that he also spoke in a nonsense language and performed feats of crazed slapstick was almost secondary.
This week, comic actor Robin Williams took his own life. The newspapers have been full of it, sharing every grisly detail of his final hours. But we have no desire to talk about that. We’d prefer to remember this comedy giant in a more positive light – as a stand-up genius, a fine dramatic actor and an all-round really nice guy. Here are ten reasons to love – and to miss – the great Robin Williams.
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