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Directed by cinematographer John Bailey, and produced by Kevin Costner's TIG company, this neo-noir thriller set in Florida is classier than most UK video premieres, but hardly anything to write home about. The set-up's familiar from Double Indemnity and a thousand-and-one other movies: the wife of an abusive millionaire seduces a cop (Harris), and the next thing he knows he's dumping Mr Money's bullet-ridden body in a remote, moonlit lake and watching his whole life go under. The denouement at least produces a novel twist, which it would be churlish to discuss, though that lake would probably be easier to swallow. It's diverting enough, however, with strong performances all round, and it's interesting to see the divine Benicio Del Toro (Fenster in The Usual Suspects) in another role, as Harris's partner. No, he doesn't use that voice.
Release Details
Duration:99 mins
Cast and crew
Director:John Bailey
Screenwriter:Roy Carlson
Ed Harris
Madeleine Stowe
Charles Dance
Benicio Del Toro
Pruitt Taylor Vince
Roger Aaron Brown
Patricia Healy
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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