Aquaticity mermaid experience workshop
Photograph:Courtesy Aquaticity
Photograph:Courtesy Aquaticity

Alternative workout ideas in Hong Kong

Alternative methods of working up a sweat are on the rise. We explore fun new ways to get in shape


Keeping fit and working out regularly can sometimes feel like a slog, so it’s important to keep things fresh in order to stay motivated. Thankfully, there are an increasing number of weird and entertaining workouts available. From mermaid swimming to lightsaber fights, here are six fun ways to make exercise feel less of a chore.

Can’t take the heat in summer and in need of some air-conditioning? There’s plenty of indoor sports in town or simply head out to the sea for these awesome outdoor watersports.

Alternative workout ideas in Hong Kong

  • Sport and fitness
  • Causeway Bay

Making hydrospinning more personal – or anti-social, depending on how you look at it – Velocity Studio is Hong Kong’s first solo aquabike studio, designed specially for women (sorry, guys). Hop in one of the miniature Jacuzzis for a great calorie-burning workout to slim and tone your thighs and buttocks while allowing the jet massage to relax your tired and swollen legs. You’ll have legs like Wonder Woman in no time. Afterwards, take advantage of the Japanese sauna to enjoy a full wellness experience. Starts from $280 per session.

  • Sport and fitness
  • Sheung Wan
Bamboo Yoga
Bamboo Yoga

We’ve all heard of aerial yoga but have you tried doing it over the ocean? Bamboo Yoga takes you out of the studio and on to the beach, allowing you to practice aerial yoga suspended from bamboo tripods as you dangle over the sea. Let the sound of waves calm and centre you as you work hard on stretches, flexibility and core muscles. You can try this seriously Instagrammable workout during half-day and full-day workshops held at scenic Tai Long Wan beach, as well as during private classes. $560-$760. Yoga BamBam & Tai Long Wan, Sai Kung. 

Image: Mia Haggi for Lululemon

  • Sport and fitness
  • Quarry Bay
Mario Kart Spin Session
Mario Kart Spin Session

Making a gamer’s dream come true, you can now burn calories and play Mario Kart at the same time. RealRyder Go Kart is a multiplayer game where you and a friend can race against each other, throw banana peels and even lob the dreaded blue shell during a spin session. The special bikes, connected to a Nintendo Switch, allow you to tilt and move to control your kart. Only available for a limited time at Pure’s Quarry Bay branch. Free for Pure Fitness members.

Mermaid Experience Workshop

This is your chance to become Ariel in real life. Aquaticity’s mermaid courses, which span five two-hour sessions, teach you all you need to know about getting along under the sea. Learn basic underwater breathing and movement control, how to swim with a rubber fin, the correct mermaid postures and special tricks. And it’s not just for the aesthetics – mermaid swimming provides additional challenges for swimmers, requiring you to work harder on core muscles and hips. There are also two-hour workshops if this sounds like your idea of a party. $580 for individual workshops and $3,580 for five-session course. Various locations inc Kowloon Park Swimming Pool, Kowloon Park Sports Ctr, 22 Austin Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui.

  • Sport and fitness
  • Kwai Chung
  • Recommended
Neon Sabre Academy
Neon Sabre Academy

It’s not a trap! Popular neon-lit event space Crossfire Arena really is offering you the chance to get in shape while doing your best Luke Skywalker impression. Enjoy a full-body workout armed with ‘neon sabres’ beneath the venue’s atmospheric dim lighting. Led by experienced gym trainers, these classes provide a mashup of Hiit workouts and strength and cardio training while providing the feel of working out in a Jedi temple gone disco. Exercising has never been so ‘forced’. $280 per class.

  • Sport and fitness
  • Aberdeen
Ninja Flow Acrobatics
Ninja Flow Acrobatics

This sort of exercise isn’t just for young girls or aspiring Olympic athletes. It’s actually a fantastic way to build co-ordination, agility, flexibility, balance and strength while getting your dose of cardio. Training centre Trybe’s Ninja Flow sessions lead you through a mix of martials arts, gymnastics, dance and parkour that’ll have you flipping and contorting in no time. There are special deals for newbies that provide unlimited classes for five consecutive days for only $550. Starts from $2,950 per month and $130 per class.

  • Sport and fitness
  • Hung Hom

Except when typhoons shake things up, Hong Kong’s a little thin on the ground when it comes to serious surf action, so this indoor surf centre is the perfect place to hang 10. At Surfset, the workout consists of high-intensity aerobic training while on the board – forcing your core to work extra hard. If you’re on the hunt for some abs and lean muscles, this is one of the best ways to get them. Even better, no wetsuit is required and there’s no need to worry about sand in your shoes.

  • Sport and fitness
  • Causeway Bay
Aerial Arts Academy
Aerial Arts Academy
This workout is much harder than it looks, so rid yourself of any ideas of looking super-sexy during your first lesson because that’s not quite how this works. This is a whole body workout that combines strength and cardio training in one, pushing both your stamina and muscles to the absolute limit. Even if you fail to channel your inner sex kitten on day one, after a few lessons you ought to have mastered everything from a crucifix to a chopper. Go along to find out exactly what that means. Classes from $250. 
  • Things to do
  • North Point
Ryze Trampoline Park
Ryze Trampoline Park

No matter how old you are, bouncing on a trampoline is always a barrel of laughs. And it also happens to be one of the best ways to burn calories. These high-intensity sessions put you through your paces to the tune of some pretty awesome music, without putting pressure on your joints. It’s criminal this style of workout isn’t more popular. According to Nasa, just 10 minutes on the trampoline is equivalent to 30 minutes of running. Best bounce on over, then. 

Looking for more conventional exercises?

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