It's all in the diet

First and foremost, he advises that "getting your nutrition sorted out is going to give you the biggest reward – do I need to say it louder for the people in the back?" Forget about keto, Game Changers, or carb-cycling, let's keep it simple. Do you know what you're putting in your body? Is what you're eating fuelling you to perform at your best? When they say you can't outwork a bad diet, they mean it.
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the amount of energy you use per day, also known as your maintenance calories. Track your food like you track your finances. If you spend $100 a week, you need to make sure you're earning $100 a week – energy in and energy out – with protein giving you the most bang for your buck.
If you're new to the meal prep game and tracking your food, meal plan services like Eatology and Nutrition Kitchen offer a range of tasty, nutritious meals with a clear breakdown of the macronutrients, delivered to directly to your door.