Renowned Japanese grilled eel specialist Unagi Yondaime Kikukawa has just opened its first location in Causeway Bay, making this new opening the brand’s 30th store in the world. This Hong Kong outpost is helmed by Kikukawa Yuhei, the fourth generation of the Kikukawa family. Founded in 1932, the family-owned restaurant currently operates 20 stores in Japan and nine branches across Asian countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, and South Korea.
Unagi Yondaime Kikukawa in Hong Kong offers a variety of grilled eel rice sets with their signature dish, ippon unagi – a whole eel grilled over binchotan coals and served on rice. The restaurant carefully selects large, plump eels and prepares them to order for optimal freshness. Grilled at high temperatures over binchotan coals to achieve a lightly crispy exterior and tender flesh, the eels are then paired with a secret sauce passed down through generations.