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Quick and quirky, this follow-up to Ann Hui's debut feature, The Secret, juggles broad farce with guignol in an oddball yarn about a second-rate Cantonese Opera troupe bedevilled by an army of revenge-seeking ghosts. Exotic theatricals and their backstage rivalries, eccentric characterisations (which include a playfully vengeful spirit named 'Cat Shit'), and an energetic camera style jostle for attention a little too clamorously at times, but the deceptive aura of greasepaint tackiness and the slapstick horror are all of a uniquely entertaining piece.
Release Details
Duration:97 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Ann Hui
Josephine Siao
Kenny Bee
Kwan Chung
Tina Lau
Lau Hark-Sun
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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