This oddball origin story of Santa Klaus is the first animated feature from Netflix, and features Klaus (Oscar-winner J. K. Simmons), a large, bearded man with a knack for toymaking but who doesn't have much interest in children, Jesper (Jason Schwartzman), the worst postal carrier ever and Alva (Rashida Jones), a cynical teacher. They live in Smeerensburg, the unhappiest place on Earth. If it sounds like a grump-fest, well yes, that's the setup. But don't worry: Icy hearts melt, and even Smeerensburg can find joy. Rated PG.
Back in the day, it wasn’t truly Christmastime until the animated movies hit primetime. When cartoon Rudolph, Frosty and Charlie Brown and his puny tree arrived on the television, with that vaguely washed-out video quality, then you really knew mirth and merriment were right around the corner.
It’s a little different now in the streaming era, when you can artificially produce any feeling you want at the click of a button. But for kids, Christmas cartoons are still a major seasonal signifier. Whether it’s new classics like Frozen or the classic-classics you (and your parents) watched as children, nothing rings in the season quite like animation. Here are 21 of the best.
🎅 The 50 best Christmas movies of all-time🎄 The best kids Christmas movies to watch this year
🐭 The best Disney Christmas movies to stream for the holidays