Ten movies that make Time Out readers cry like babies

Scientists in Holland have discovered that crying at a movie actually makes us happier. Ten Time Out readers reveal the tearjerkers guaranteed to make them blub


As part of Time Out's reader takeover, we asked you which movies last left you reeling. Covering everything from classic romantic movies, to Pixar animations and crippling, epic tearjerkers, these are the films that make Time Out readers blub like chronically depressed infants chopping onions.

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12 Years a Slave
12 Years a Slave

'It wasn't even the brutality of it all. What did it for me was when Chiwetel Ejiofor finally saw his family and his kids were all grown up. The thought of missing so much of your children's lives broke me. I've never seen so many guys cry in such a concentrated area. I cried again outside the cinema.'
Daniel Akinbola, 29, marketing executive

  • Film
  • Action and adventure
Jurassic World
Jurassic World

'I'm ashamed to admit that when I heard the 'Jurassic Park' theme kick in while watching 'Jurassic World' in the Imax a tear may have escaped. I'm a Spielberg girl through and through, and the nostalgia was too much to handle.'
Anna Wilczek, 29, marketing manager

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'No child should ever grow up without their parents, or have them run off to faraway planets!'
Robin Merz, 22, barista

  • Film
  • Animation
  • Recommended
Inside Out
Inside Out

'Pixar are absolute geniuses and know my heart better than I know it myself. When Bing Bong sacrifices himself, it's basically Jack letting go of the raft in 'Titanic' all over again. I've seen it twice and I cried in the cinema both times!'
Lizzie Scourfield, 23, news researcher

  • Film
  • Drama
  • Recommended
The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars

'I couldnít stop the tears. The subject matter, cancer and love, got to me and I'm a sucker for a romantic film. There are some great lines in the movie: "I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once." This line resonates with me ñ I fell in love the same way.'
Camilla Laake, 25, writer

  • Film
  • Documentaries
  • Recommended

'I recently saw Amy Winehouse documentary 'Amy' at Whirled, an independent members' cinema in Brixton; to my surprise it made me very emotional. It was hard watching the troubled life of someone so talented and so deeply missed. Her music was truly unique.'
Amanda Pauley, 26, journalist

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'This film has a lot to do with the relationship between a father and his daughter and I watched it with my dad before I left St Helens for London. What got me was their separation. It felt too close to home!'
Abbie Phillips, 22, communications assistant

  • Film
  • Drama
The Judge
The Judge

'Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall play father and son in a frank and intimate portrayal of a strained parent/child relationship. The trailers made it look quite cheerful, but my God, the ending was heartbreaking – I could really relate to it. I walked away feeling emotionally wrecked. If youíre going to watch this, watch it with chocolate.'
Laura Evans, 23, personal banker

  • Film
  • Drama
  • Recommended
Blue is the Warmest Colour
Blue is the Warmest Colour

'I am not a soppy person (my Twitter handle is @jenthecynic for a reason). But this couple are so passionate and raw; when they are crying, so much snot pours out of their noses it has to be true love!'
Jennifer Watts, 27, risk manager

  • Film
  • Animation
  • Recommended

'The first 20 minutes; that's life, right there. With all its beautiful, loving and painful nuances set to that score.'
Liam Moore, 30, web designer and editor

How about some feelgood films?

  • Film
Feeling a bit chilly out there? That's a good excuse to crank up the heating, stick your slippers on, pour a bloody great big glass of wine and settle in with our countdown of the 25 movies now on Netflix UK that are most guaranteed to cheer you up…
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