Recent reappraisals notwithstanding, George Lucas’s prequel remains a lightning rod for disenchanted fans – us included. Jar Jar alone ensures the movie is frogmarched into cinematic infamy, even before you throw in all the tedious waffle about galactic trade policies. Still, it’s not all bad: the pod race is fun, and Darth Maul’s double-‘sabered showdown with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn is a franchise high, accompanied by one of John Williams’ greatest Star Wars cues.
Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day – and even a terrible movie can contain flashes of genius. If you’re willing to sit through enough dreck, sometimes a miracle will unfold before your eyes: a scene that genuinely makes the ticket price seem almost like value for money and that takes the edge off right that sinking feeling you get when a movie turns into a turkey before your eyes.
And, from Darth Maul’s moment of glory to everything Raul Julia does in Street Fighter, those moments deserve celebrating, because it’s not their fault that everything around them is made of potato peelings and offal.
Here are the 50 best bits in the very worst movies.
🗑️ The 40 best bad movies ever made.
🛵 The best cult classic movies of all time.