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Is there anything Alan can’t blag?

It seems Alan’s knack for wangling freebies has come on a bit since the days when he was foisting shop-soiled Terry’s Chocolate Oranges on hotel staff – check out the paint job on that South Korean saloon. Odd choice of vehicle for a man so hopelessly infatuated with British engineering, but still – it’s better than a Mini Metro.

Five questions about the ‘Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa’ trailer

The first footage of Steve Coogan’s cops ‘n’ cardigans caper is here. Here’s what we want to know


Shotguns! Helicopters! Stonewashed denim! After March’s teaser trailer, the first proper glimpse of ‘Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa’ (which comes to cinemas on August 7) is here, and it’s an adrenaline-oozing, Kevlar-coated action extravaganza (albeit one with a toe-tapping soft rock soundtrack). Here’s what we’ve been left wondering…

The latest movie trailers on Time Out

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