1. Enchanted (2007)

A hilarious blend of the Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty fairytales, Enchanted begins in conventional, animated Disney territory where pretty Giselle is being courted by Edward, her Prince Charming. His witchy mother, however, has an evil scheme on the boil and banishes Giselle to twenty-first-century New York City. Now the film flits jumps to live-action when Giselle, now Amy Adams, is dressed to the nines in a flowing ball gown and emerges from a midtown manhole. The fun takes off when Adams starts hamming it up. Giselle is clearly on another plane: She swans around singing inane songs and delivering amusingly mundane fantasy lingo in a princess-y voice. This is one your whole family will love. Stream on Amazon Prime, Google Play and YouTube. Rated PG.