Sleuths: Detectives Park (Song Kang-ho) and Seo (Kim Sang-kyung)
Sleuthing style: Kicky
At the time of release, the murders in Bong Joon Ho’s breakout thriller had barely become memories. Inspired by Korea’s first serial killings, then a little over a decade old, the film takes place in a country ill-equipped, politically and psychologically, to deal with random acts of pathological violence. Of course, Bong being Bong, he finds some grim humour in that, particularly early on, as two rural cops charged with investigating a young girl’s slaying almost immediately fumble the case. A cool, calm big-city detective from Seoul is brought in to assist, but as the body count rises and clues dead-end, he, like the movie itself, sinks deeper into an abyss of desperate frustration. Bong mounts the procedural elements with gripping style, but he’s not so interested in puzzling out a mystery, which was then unsolved. (A man finally confessed in 2019.) Like David Fincher’s Zodiac, he’s more concerned with examining the ways abhorrent crimes warp society and those in closest proximity to them – an act of violence in itself.