• Film

The Spiral Staircase


Time Out says

Who has been killing off young girls with physical defects, and obviously has an eye on Jacqueline Bisset, rendered speechless by a shock (doubtless on finding herself in a movie like this)? There's a lush in the kitchen, a bedridden grandmother, a secretary on the make, an ex-Vietnam vet, a kindly uncle, an even more kindly doctor, a trigger-happy cop, and a storm outside. Any interest soon gets lost in the rambling rooms of the huge house that serves as the base for the plot. The moral of the tale would seem to be that if you want your voice back, have someone try to strangle you. Whatever happened to the chilling Gothic tale made by Robert Siodmak in 1946?

Release Details

  • Duration:89 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Peter Collinson
  • Screenwriter:Andrew Meredith Allan Scott, Chris Bryant
  • Cast:
    • Jacqueline Bisset
    • Christopher Plummer
    • Sam Wanamaker
    • Mildred Dunnock
    • Gayle Hunnicutt
    • Sheila Brennan
    • Elaine Stritch
    • John Ronane
    • Ronald Radd
    • John Phillip Law
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