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What goes on in your local community? Chances are it's a curious mix of quirky characters, frustrations and hidden gems that you're glad you don't have to share with other parts of the city.
For the first of what will hopefully be a series, we head to a leafy suburb of Birmingham that some are adamant isn't even Birmingham at all.
That's right, you know you live in Sutton Coldfield when...
Robin Valk
...somebody has painted over the Birmingham City Coat of Arms on all the road signs. This has lead to speculation that Sutton has the highest proportion of middle-aged vandals in the West Midlands, who are still sensitive that the Royal Town was incorporated into Birmingham in 1974.
Flickr - Elliott Brown head for platform 8 at New Street without even checking. Once there, you find you picked the right platform. But then they send you over to platform 7. Or 12. Or 6.
Flicker - Paul Reynolds
...Europe's seventh largest urban park is a just step away and filled with deer, horses, cows, foxes and amazing views. Plus, interestingly, lots of film crews of late too...
Flickr - Elliott Brown takes you an hour to get home on a Saturday night 'cos they've closed the Expressway again.
Flickr - Elliott Brown
...Villa fans hurry optimistically past your house just after lunch on a Saturday afternoon. Only to troop back dejectedly at 5.30pm.
Robin Valk
...Don Diego, the best tapas bar in town by a country mile, is your local.
Flickr - Lars K Jensen
...well meaning Brum hipsters smile knowledgeably when you tell them where you live, and after a moment, ask: 'Um, where's that'?
...coming up from London on the train, you wait just long enough for your connection – the Four Oaks Flyer – to simply glide past you on its way to the Royal Borough and Points North. Grr.
Robin Valk
... the electric car charging bays are actually put to the use they were intended for. Sutton has a mighty total of two. But they get used.
Are there any more you think should be added to the list? Let us know!
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