
You know you live in Longbridge when...

Written by
Siobhan Harper
Flickr: Elliott Brown | |

Fellow Longbridgians! (Yes, that's probably just a made up word. It's okay – we're well known for creating things round here). We may have a chequered past, but we're proud of who we are.

After all, you know you're from Longbridge when...

Chris Allen

...anyone outside Birmingham asks where you live, you answer 'You know, where the Rover factories were.'

Phil Guest got excited when 'Top Gear' visited. Even if it was to the mostly empty wasteland where the aforementioned factory once stood. tell people that the old factory also appeared in an awesome Chemical Brothers video.

Flickr: Elliott Brown were totally bemused by the design of the new Bournville College when it was built. It's meant to look like a cruise ship, right?

Flickr: Elliott Brown were also a bit befuddled by the decision to locate Bournville College somewhere that wasn't actually in Bournville.

Morgan Sindall've been watching the construction of the brand new flagship Marks and Spencers and think, 'Just how much space do they need to stock nice pants?' 

Roy Hughes've got used to walking all the way to Platform 11 at New Street Station after coming back from the city centre. You've also developed an excellent 100 metre dash time from legging it for the last train.


CONIRMED! *ED SHEERAN* joins the #FusionFestVimto Friday line-up! Tickets on sale NOW! Link in our bio. #EdSheeran

A photo posted by Fusion Festival (@fusionfestival) on stand in your garden trying to work which neighbour is blasting their music, then you realise it's the Fusion Festival in Cofton Park. don't recognise anyone playing at the Fusion Festival, and instantly feel old.

You're just a little bit glad that Justin Bieber's no longer coming, though.

Despite all that though, Longbridge is an excellent place to live. Thanks to all the redevelopment, there's plenty going on, and, since we're now a student area we should get a decent pub soon, right. Right?

Maybe you live in Sutton Coldfied instead? If so, this one's for you.

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